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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Week#8 - Removing Drywall (North Wall)

Good morning everyone,

It's been another busy week but I managed to work on the recroom for about 3 hours yesterday. Alex was not feeling well so he did not help me much. We still managed to take the drywall off of the North wall. The pictures below show the wall without the drywall.

North Wall
We also installed the central vac in the furnace room. I think it's a little crooked so I will have to fix that next week. The next picture shows the central vacuum in our furnace room.

Central Vacuum
 Next week I hope to start putting the piping for my central vacuum. I'm sure it will be a challenge.  I'll get Alex to starting taking down the drywall on the West wall. I hope to have all the electrical and piping before the March Break.  That way I will be able to start working on the pine walls during the break.

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