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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Week#17 - Varnishing

Good morning everyone,
It has been a busy past few days. Last weekend we had our family reunion. I was hoping to bring Adrien to CHEO for a follow-up appointment but we did not make it back because we had some mechanical difficulties with our van. So I now have to head back to Ottawa on Friday for the appointment. Next weekend we have another family reunion.
This week I am planning to focus on varnishing the recroom. I'm planning to give 3 coats of varnish to the walls. The next picture shows the walls after the first coat of varnish.

Vanish - First Coat
The next picture shows the recroom with the second coat of varnish on. I can finally see a bit of a shine. I should be able to finish varnishing early next week.

Varnish - Second Coat

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