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Sunday, January 1, 2012

Week#25 - Recroom Completed

Good morning everyone,

A happy New Year to all my friends and family. I hope everyone is enjoying the Christmas Holidays as much as we are. It is nice to slow down for a couple of weeks and spend time with our families and friends.

Thought I would put up one last post for our Recroom renovation blog. It has been quite a while since I blogged on this project. We finally received our furniture for our recroom. We now have a nice area in our house to watch movies with the kids. With the woodstove close by it is very cosy during the winter. Below you will find the before and after pictures of the project. I'm sure we will spend quite a bit of time as a family in that room.

I would like to end this blog by thanking everyone who help us out with constructive comments. We are quite pleased with the end result for this project. Have a great Christmas Holiday everyone.

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