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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Week#17 - Varnishing

Good morning everyone,
It has been a busy past few days. Last weekend we had our family reunion. I was hoping to bring Adrien to CHEO for a follow-up appointment but we did not make it back because we had some mechanical difficulties with our van. So I now have to head back to Ottawa on Friday for the appointment. Next weekend we have another family reunion.
This week I am planning to focus on varnishing the recroom. I'm planning to give 3 coats of varnish to the walls. The next picture shows the walls after the first coat of varnish.

Vanish - First Coat
The next picture shows the recroom with the second coat of varnish on. I can finally see a bit of a shine. I should be able to finish varnishing early next week.

Varnish - Second Coat

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Week#16 - Knotty Pine (completed)

Good morning everyone,

I finally finished putting up the knotty pine in our recroom.  Unfortunately this week I haven't done much work in the recroom because we are getting ready for our Paquette family reunion.  In addition I'm off to CHEO with Adrien today and only coming back tomorrow night. At least I got my shop cleaned up.

I finished building the remaining 3 faux beam pieces. I've put danish oil on them and waiting the required 72 hours before varnishing them. The next picture shows where the beams are going to be mounted.

Missing Beams
Before I leave for Ottawa today I hope to finish putting up the wood filler on the nails. The next picture shows the recroom as it stands at this point.

Finished Walls
Next week I hope to varnish all of the walls and the faux beams. Alex might help me as he enjoys varnishing. Have a great end of week.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Week#15 - Day 3

Good morning everyone,

At first I was going to blog everyday but I decided that it takes too much time for me to write my blog and I want to do other things in the morning such as program in VBA. So I will blog once or twice each week.

Over the past couple of days I finished putting up the knotty pine in the corner of the West and North walls. It took at while because there was a lot of cutting and fiddling around. I also finished putting up pine on the South wall beside the woodstove. I have about one third of the East wall covered with pine.  I hope to finish putting up the pine on this wall by the end of the day today.  I have two more receptacles to cover and those take a bit more time.

I hope to finish putting up pine by the end of the week. Early next week I will build the remaining three faux beams. We plan on using the shop for a couple of family reunions over the next two weekends. If I can get most of the cutting done I won't have to clean it again for the second family reunion. The shop is an absolute mess right now as we haven't cleaned it in over a year. 

Once the shop is cleaned I plan on varnishing which will take 4 or 5 days. I will varnish all the trims prior to putting them up.  Once the varnishing is done I will put up the remaining faux beams and then work on the drop ceiling.

Below you will find a few pictures of the walls that I'm working on at the moment. Hopefully in my next blog I will be done with putting up the knotty pine.

Knotty Pine

Next week I need to bring Adrien to CHEO on Friday and plan to leave for Ottawa the day before to visit a friend of mine so I will not have much time to work on my recroom. We will probably spend one day cleaning up the shop.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Week#15 - Day 1 - Taking Off the Drywall

Good morning everyone,

I haven't blogged in almost 3 months because I haven't done much work on our recroom lately.

I'm finally on vacation and plan to finish this project by the end of my 6 week holiday. I have the following tasks to complete:
  1. finish putting up the knotty pine
  2. varnish the pine
  3. varnish and put up the trim (corners, baseboards etc.)
  4. finish building the faux beams
  5. put up the drop ceiling
  6. change the flooring
  7. build a hole to bring in wood
  8. building a cart to put wood in
Yesterday I removed the remaining drywall on the east and south wall. As you can see I made quite a mess. Below you will see some pictures of the job.

Drywall Mess

I also added a third receptacle on the East wall. Today I will work on putting up the remaining pine. I figure this will take two days.