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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Week#15 - Day 3

Good morning everyone,

At first I was going to blog everyday but I decided that it takes too much time for me to write my blog and I want to do other things in the morning such as program in VBA. So I will blog once or twice each week.

Over the past couple of days I finished putting up the knotty pine in the corner of the West and North walls. It took at while because there was a lot of cutting and fiddling around. I also finished putting up pine on the South wall beside the woodstove. I have about one third of the East wall covered with pine.  I hope to finish putting up the pine on this wall by the end of the day today.  I have two more receptacles to cover and those take a bit more time.

I hope to finish putting up pine by the end of the week. Early next week I will build the remaining three faux beams. We plan on using the shop for a couple of family reunions over the next two weekends. If I can get most of the cutting done I won't have to clean it again for the second family reunion. The shop is an absolute mess right now as we haven't cleaned it in over a year. 

Once the shop is cleaned I plan on varnishing which will take 4 or 5 days. I will varnish all the trims prior to putting them up.  Once the varnishing is done I will put up the remaining faux beams and then work on the drop ceiling.

Below you will find a few pictures of the walls that I'm working on at the moment. Hopefully in my next blog I will be done with putting up the knotty pine.

Knotty Pine

Next week I need to bring Adrien to CHEO on Friday and plan to leave for Ottawa the day before to visit a friend of mine so I will not have much time to work on my recroom. We will probably spend one day cleaning up the shop.

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