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Saturday, August 6, 2011

Week#18 - Varnishing (completed)

Hello everyone,

Hope that you are enjoying summer as much as we are.  This week I hope to start working on the ceiling.  Last week I was able to complete varnishing the walls. I applied three coats and I was lucky to get Alex's help for a while.

Third Coat

The remaining 3 faux beams are installed and look great.

Faux Beams
I was also able to start working on the drop ceiling mouldings.  We decided to paint them brown in colour so that we would have a contrast between the tiles which are white and the mouldings. Tonight Louise and I are heading to Sudbury to buy the drop ceiling tiles. The next pictures shows the ceiling as it stands at the moment.

Ceiling w/o Tiles
Next week I'm spending a couple of days at Wonderland with Jacynthe and Jasmine so I probably will not have much time to work on this project. Looking forward to updating you next week.

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