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Sunday, August 21, 2011

Week#20 - Cart and Chute

Hello everyone,

The girls and I had an absolutely great trip at Wonderland last week.  It was back to work on our recroom this week and I got a lot done. I installed the chute as well as the door that covers it. Below are a couple of pictures of the chute and door.

I also built a cart that will hold the wood coming in from the chute. I finished varnishing the doors this morning.  The surprising thing about this cart is how heavy it is. I'm not looking forward to bringing it downstairs. Below you will find pictures of the cart.

So what is left in this project? I need to add the mouldings to the cart, to the walls and put in a new door to the cold storage area.  Tomorrow someone is supposed to come in to look at our floor and suggest a new type of flooring.

Yesterday I purchased an antique buck saw on EBay that I will put on the front of the cart.  I also need add some mouldings to the cart. Tomorrow I'm going back to work for 6 weeks. I then plan on taking a parental leave until Christmas. During that time we hope to renovate our kitchen.  I guess I will have to startup a new blog.

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