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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Week#21 - Trims and Mouldings

Good morning everyone,

I'm back at work and do not have as much time to work on my project. I spent most of the day yesterday working on my recroom. We decided that we would remove our mahogany door and replace it by a bostonian pine door. Unfortunately the door measures 26" and its a special order which means it will costs more and will take about 6 weeks to arrive. The old door is off now and I'm waiting for the pine door to come in. Below you will find a picture of the hole in the wall without the door.

Door Off

Yesterday I was able to install the trims and mouldings that do not touch the floor.  I'm waiting for the contractor to install the vinyl flooring prior to install those trims and mouldings. This week I plan on varnishing the baseboards and the remaining trims and mouldings.

Below you will find a picture of the floor as it is now. Hopefully next week I will be able to take a picture of our new floor.


Next weekend I have to clean my shop for dad's party so I probably won't get much work done.

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