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Sunday, January 1, 2012

Week#25 - Recroom Completed

Good morning everyone,

A happy New Year to all my friends and family. I hope everyone is enjoying the Christmas Holidays as much as we are. It is nice to slow down for a couple of weeks and spend time with our families and friends.

Thought I would put up one last post for our Recroom renovation blog. It has been quite a while since I blogged on this project. We finally received our furniture for our recroom. We now have a nice area in our house to watch movies with the kids. With the woodstove close by it is very cosy during the winter. Below you will find the before and after pictures of the project. I'm sure we will spend quite a bit of time as a family in that room.

I would like to end this blog by thanking everyone who help us out with constructive comments. We are quite pleased with the end result for this project. Have a great Christmas Holiday everyone.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Week#24 - Odds and Ends

Good morning everyone,

This will be my second last blog in the Basement Recroom renovation.  I will blog next when we get our furniture.  Last week I spent most mornings varnishing the Bostonian pine door. It took about 5 hours. Yesterday I finished putting up trims, mouldings and baseboards around that door. Below is the Bostonian door with all the trims. I was able to add a moulding to the top of the door.


I also took the buck saw apart, primed it and then painted it. The wood parts will be brown in colour and the metal parts black. You can see the buck saw below.

Buck Saw

I also took my great grandfather's saw apart. Yesterday I used my lathe to build two handles out of oak.  The handles have been covered with Danish oil and will be varnished prior to being put up on the wall. The next pictures shows the saw and the handles.

Dad's Saw

We should be receiving our furniture for our recroom in 4 to 5 weeks. This week I plan on starting to work on our next project. The kitchen renovations.  The next link is the one for our new blog:

This week I will take the workbench in my shop apart. My plan is to move my kitchen cabinets to my shop.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Week#23 - Bostonian Door and Mouldings

We had an awesome party for dad 80th birthday. Didn't get much work done last Saturday but made up for lost time this week. We decided to wait until I start my parental leave to start moving stuff around. So for now the office stays in the basement.

Over the past couple of weeks I've been busy working on the mouldings and trims. For the most part I am finished with that part of the project. Today I installed our Bostonian pine door. As you can see in the next picture, it looks very nice. I'm going to try to find something to put over top of the door.

Bostonian Door
Next week I will hopefully get the door varnished. I'm also working on the buck saw I bought off of eBay.  I took it apart and started sanding it. I was hoping that the wood would look nicer but from what I can figure out it was left outside and the wood is quite stained from being out in the rain.  I'm thinking I will have to paint it instead of varnishing it. The next pictures show the buck saw.

Buck Saw

This morning I tried painting a piece of pine with Tremclad paint to see if it will stick to wood.  If it works I will paint the buck saw brown, the same brown I used for the wood chute and the metal parts I will paint black. Dad gave me an old saw that belonged to my great grand-father. It measure about 5 feet in length.  I plan on turning two oak handles for it as one is missing and the other looks very plain. These two saws will be put up on the West wall.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Week#22 - Linoleum Floor

Hello everyone,

Last week we got our linoleum floor installed, it is absolutely gorgeous. As you can see by the picture below, it makes the room look very different.
New linoleum
I was also able to install most of my trims, mouldings and baseboards.  We are still waiting for our Bostonian pine door to come in. Unfortunately it's on a special order and it may take a few more weeks before we receive it. 

My brother Rhéal gave me a hand with bringing in the wood cart. We had to remove the railing in order to bring it in because it was too wide. That puppy was heavy. Can't wait to get the buck saw and put it on. The next couple of pictures are of the cart. It look very nice.

Next week we are having dad's party so probably won't get much done. This project is almost completed. Next week I plan on moving my office upstairs in the shop recroom and clean my shop for dad's party.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Week#21 - Trims and Mouldings

Good morning everyone,

I'm back at work and do not have as much time to work on my project. I spent most of the day yesterday working on my recroom. We decided that we would remove our mahogany door and replace it by a bostonian pine door. Unfortunately the door measures 26" and its a special order which means it will costs more and will take about 6 weeks to arrive. The old door is off now and I'm waiting for the pine door to come in. Below you will find a picture of the hole in the wall without the door.

Door Off

Yesterday I was able to install the trims and mouldings that do not touch the floor.  I'm waiting for the contractor to install the vinyl flooring prior to install those trims and mouldings. This week I plan on varnishing the baseboards and the remaining trims and mouldings.

Below you will find a picture of the floor as it is now. Hopefully next week I will be able to take a picture of our new floor.


Next weekend I have to clean my shop for dad's party so I probably won't get much work done.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Week#20 - Cart and Chute

Hello everyone,

The girls and I had an absolutely great trip at Wonderland last week.  It was back to work on our recroom this week and I got a lot done. I installed the chute as well as the door that covers it. Below are a couple of pictures of the chute and door.

I also built a cart that will hold the wood coming in from the chute. I finished varnishing the doors this morning.  The surprising thing about this cart is how heavy it is. I'm not looking forward to bringing it downstairs. Below you will find pictures of the cart.

So what is left in this project? I need to add the mouldings to the cart, to the walls and put in a new door to the cold storage area.  Tomorrow someone is supposed to come in to look at our floor and suggest a new type of flooring.

Yesterday I purchased an antique buck saw on EBay that I will put on the front of the cart.  I also need add some mouldings to the cart. Tomorrow I'm going back to work for 6 weeks. I then plan on taking a parental leave until Christmas. During that time we hope to renovate our kitchen.  I guess I will have to startup a new blog.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Week#19 - Finished Tiles

Good morning everyone,

The girls and I had an awesome time at Wonderland this week but now it's back to reality with only one week of holidays left and a lot of work to complete before going back to school.

Below you will find a picture of the ceiling with the tiles installed. We painted the mouldings brown in colour which adds an accent to the tiles. We are very pleased with the results.

Completed Ceiling Tiles

Next week I will install a wood chute in the south wall. Below you will  find a drawing of what I hope the final product will look like.
Chute Drawing